
Ava Tunic Shirt Herbs Sunrays | Organic by Feldman

16,00  inkl. MwSt.

Zustand: Neu mit Etikett
Verkauft durch: Organic by Feldman
Versandfertig: 1-2 Wochen

Organic by Feldman

Ava Tunic Shirt Herbs Sunrays | Organic by Feldman

16,00  inkl. MwSt.


This lovely Tunic shirt is ideal for the warmest days! Our airy, light, soft organic muslin shirt with a breathable and temperature-balancing effect ensures a comfortable fit. It is a stylish Tunic for every day, with Cocos buttons in the front neck area.

Available as a lovely Mini-Me 

• 100% organic cotton Muslin woven fabric, GOTS certified high quality, airy, light, soft with a breathable and temperature-balancing effect.

• Skin-friendly organic quality, without harmful chemicals and toxics.

• Mindfully designed, close to nature, practical, and comfortable.

• Designed in the EU made with love and care in India. GOTS certified in all production stages. Ethical, sustainable, and safe.


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